Dissemination of results
Find the THAMM programme on different media
Scientific reports
- [2018 Report] (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/view/index/docid/2017472)
- [2019 Report] (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03263265)
- [2020-2021 Report] (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03600298)
Scientific symposia and seminars
- [February 14-Communication at the Terrae 2020 team seminar] [February 14-Communication at the Terrae 2020 team seminar [Reference] (https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02510369)
Scientific articles
- [The THAMM programme has just published an article in issue 44 of the journal ArchéoSciences on new procedures for processing thermographic data for the detection of archaeological structures] [Reference] (https://journals.openedition.org/archeosciences/7426)
Broadcasting to the general public
- Article on the Pyrenees National Park website
- Article on the blog of the Maison de la Montagne de Pau
- Article in the magazine Empreintes du Parc National des Pyrénées - Downloadable version - Audio version
- Article published in the Levedan and country review Toys -n° 51 - 2020. This article is signed by David Penin of the Pyrenees National Park who presents the partnership set up for the archaeological survey carried out within the framework of the TAHMM programme and the enhancement of the Liantran site](https://lavedan-pays-toy.fr/)